Four highschool kids are ready for their university lifebut with a new transfer student it all changes. 我是在上个月的一个有些阴沉的天气里窝在床上看完Just Because的 看完之后心里总有一种复杂的说不清道不明的情绪 群像剧的特点使得它并没有像许多曾经给我带来很强的共鸣感的动画使我情不自禁地带入某位角色中情绪跟随着大起大落. 75 Embarrassing Kid Photos That Ll One Day Come Back To Haunt Them Thanks To Social Media Funny Stupid Funny Memes Funny Relatable Memes Subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest updates. . Theyre put in charge of the equipment for the sports festival and slowly grow closer via LINE. 映画の中でもよく耳にするフレーズjust becauseネイティブのように普段の会話の中で使いこなせたらカッコいいですよね今回はjust because. この記事では just because の使い方を例文と共に紹介しますので表現の幅を広げていきましょう. Kotaro a bookish boy aspiring to become a novelist and Akane a track girl who loves to run meet in the same class together for the first time. Its the third year of middle school. You never need a reason to put a little more love into the world. 1 Just because _____ doesnt mean _...